Can Anyone Learn To Kitesurf?

Can Anyone Learn To Kitesurf?

Can anyone learn to kitesurf?

If you’re considering starting to take kitesurfing lessons – or a member of your family is, you may be wondering if it’s the right sport for you. Watching kitesurfers in action can be intimidating! It sometimes feels like these people have superpowers to be able to go so fast and jump so high in incredibly high winds.

So, can anyone learn to kitesurf? A person of any age, weight, height, gender, and physical strength can learn to kitesurf provided they are reasonably healthy, feel comfortable in the water, have decent aerobic endurance, balancing skills, and coordination ability.

two people kitesurfing
Can anyone learn to kitesurf?

What about age? Can people of any age kitesurf?

There’s no minimum or maximum age for kitesurfing. It is worth noting that for kitesurfing, upper body strength is not a factor. Children as young as 5 can start kiting as long as they have the minimum weight required. Older people with good coordination and balance, sufficient core strength and lower body stamina, can also practice kitesurfing.

When you look at the kitesurfing population at most local spots on an average weekend, you see a lot of people in their 30s, 40s, and 50s cruising back and forth. Riders in their 20s are typically into freestyle, that is high jumps and tricks. Freestyle generally requires a higher level of fitness, mobility, flexibility, and ability to take hits than regular navigation.

Older people are more likely to kitesurf in less extreme conditions, e.g. in steady winds in the 15-25 range and relatively flat water.

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