Learning to Wingfoil - Students Story -  West Kirby, Wirral

Learning to Wingfoil - Students Story - West Kirby, Wirral

Travel to the Lake

Getting to Northern Wingfoil was really easy. A drive down the M52 to junction 2 and a short drive to the lake. Easy to park with a car park designated for lake users.

Arriving to a Warm Welcome and Great Facilities

We turned up at the centre and were greeted by the Northern Wingfoil Team. We had a quick chat, signed in, then headed in to get changed. They provided us with really nice wetsuits and all the safety gear. They have great changing and shower facilities. 

Session 1: Introduction to Winging

The journey began with an introduction to the wing equipment. The team guided us through the skills of wing handling on the beach. With patient instruction, we familiarised ourselves with the wing's dynamics, learning to harness its power and control. Walking around the beach to understand how the wing would feel on the board. We touched on some theory which was super useful for the next stage on the water.

We headed onto the water on inflatable boards for the first time, excitement bubbled within us. Despite the initial wobbles and splashes, the thrill of gliding across the surface propelled us forward, igniting a newfound passion for the sport. The lesson are delivered from a boat and the water is around chest deep so we could touch the floor which made us feel really safe

Session 2: Refining Our Skills

Building upon the foundations laid in the first session, we delved deeper into refining our wingsurfing skills. We developed our techniques and mastered the art of riding upwind and turning. With each practice run, we grew more confident.

Session 3: Taking Flight

Session three marked a significant milestone as we transitioned to foil boards for the first time. Nerves kicked in as we prepared to take flight, the prospect of gliding above the water both thrilling and daunting.

Our instructor guided us through each step as we embraced the challenge head-on, experiencing our first flights by lifting off the surface followed by some spectacular falls. As the session progressed we felt more and more comfortable.

Session 4: Mastering the foil

As the days progressed, so too did our proficiency on the foil boards. Session four saw us practising and perfecting the skills acquired thus far, each attempt bringing us closer to feeling in control.

With determination and dedication, we extended our foil rides. If felt like we were defying gravity.

Session 5: Becoming Independent

The final session we achieved foil flights across the lake. With confidence growing and our new skills being put into use we started to feel like we had cracked the learning process

As we reflected on our journey with Northern Kites, we were filled with gratitude for the invaluable guidance and support that had lead us forward every step of the way. From tentative beginners to confident riders, we were shocked how far we had come in such a short time

Buying Equipment

The Northern Kites team provided invaluable information helping us purchase the right gear from their shop tailored to our requirements. From choosing the perfect wing size to selecting the ideal foil board. Taking lessons allowed us to buy equipment that we wouldn't grow out of saving us money. 


Learning to wing foil with Northern Wingfoil has been an unforgettable adventure, one filled with challenges, triumphs, and boundless excitement. Having lessons enabled us to progress quickly and saved us loads of money not having to buy large beginner equipment. We watched several people struggling to teach themselves on the wrong gear. We knew we had made the right choice learning with Northern Kites and knowing they will be on the lake watching over us from their boat while we take our first independent rides.

We love this new sport and can not wait to get out on our new gear.

So, to everyone thinking about learning, take the leap and embark on this incredible journey with Northern Kites. Your adventure awaits.

Information on wing lessons - https://northernwingfoil.co.uk/pages/wingfoil-lessons

The Northern Kites Watersports Shop - VISIT SHOP

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